My 30/10 Takeaways

Sometime this summer I will be having a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy or #vsg for short and that decision was not a flippant one. As I get closer to that reality and begin to learn about life after surgery, I am reflecting more and more on my 30/10 year and the lasting impacts of that “education”. 30/10 is such a powerful program for so many reasons. Continue reading My 30/10 Takeaways

Identity} Process} Outcome

So this time, I am starting with my identity- what I believe about myself and what I value in my life, then creating processes that support and align to that identity. I am learning the power of my votes and that I have hundreds of votes to cast each day. Not every vote has to be for healthy. Some votes can still be cast for the pizza because it’s been a day and that is ok. The outcome will reflect my votes, my identity so I don’t have to even think on that if my processes are aligned to my identity. Continue reading Identity} Process} Outcome

New Weight= New Identity

The identity I have now is one of a fat person…one of a larger person and I still value things that a larger person does. I am still living my life as a larger person and my actions and behaviors reflect values of a fat person. But I don’t want to be a fat person anymore. After my surgery I really can’t live a life where I identify as a fat person. I just wont physically be able to. I don’t want to be a big person anymore. I want to be a healthy person who weights an amount that will not lead to my untimely death or prolonged misery. To live life at a healthy weight, I need a new identity. I need to identify as a healthy person and live my life as a healthy person does. I need to identify as a healthy person.  Continue reading New Weight= New Identity

New Tool For My Toolbox

Food is a big part of who I am. This procedure will not change that. I am hopeful that this tool will help food become a normal part of who I am, not the biggest and most visible part as it is now. I am looking forward to the day when a stranger will pass me walking, notice a scowl on my face, and begin to wonder what deep dark secret is making my life so miserable. Because now everyone knows its food…and I am over that. I am ready to be a brooding mystery that everyone is trying to figure out.  Continue reading New Tool For My Toolbox